Sunday, October 10, 2010

What does the Lap-Band Procedure intail?

The Lap-Band procedure is a laproscopic procedure where I will be put under general anesthesia for a surgery that lasts about an hour.  I will have a small incision which is where the port is placed(this is the round disk area that is embedded in the muscle wall and this is where they will inject saline in to fill the band to tighten the band along my journey), I will also have 4-5 more small cuts where they use instruments for the actual surgery.  I will be only in the surgery center for the day.  Hopefully mid afternoon I will be back home resting.  The band area wraps around the top of the stoma or stomach area (this works sort of like a funnel) I will have to eat much slower and I will get fuller faster.  After the surgery I will start out with a liquid diet, then mushy stuff, and by around 6 weeks I will be able to eat most foods that are cut small, chewed well and are not real tough.  As far as food much of it is a learned behavior and if I try to eat something that my band does not appreciate, well it will tell me.  The band is a gate keeper of sorts.  Much of this surgery is a mindset.  If you think about it, you have to make a choice do I eat a small amount of something healthy or do I eat a small amount of dessert? Well we all know the right answer to this. 

Tony and I went to a wedding last night and had a good time.  I had an enjoyable time but I have to admit I had to think out my dinner a little.  I ate like everyone else except for what was on my plate and how much.  Okay did I have cake??????  I admit it I did.  I sort of feel band in my mindset a little....I keep thinking about the Weight Watchers mindset where you can bank your points.  Gave up my 300 calories of snacks yesterday for well cake...I think probably an even exchange.  Today my dad and sister are coming to Seth's last game and they were wanting to do dinner, at Ryans....well at first I was like well maybe somewhere else but then I said no I can make this work.  So again I am going to skip snacks  and just focus on salad, maybe a baked chicken breast and some veggies.  Like I said I want to keep life as normal as possible for those around me.  I am looking forward to working on my discipline, so far so good!  I know I should not gloat but I am pretty proud of myself.  On 9/28 I weighed in at 322 well this morning I am 305 so I think I am working the program pretty well.  Surgery is on Tue the 18th so by then how much more will I have dropped??  I had hoped to be under 300 day of surgery I think I am going to make that!  Well thanks for all the support and those of you who are following.  Below are some pictures of what the Lap-Band looks like and its placement.  Have a great day!

Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
This is what I am going to have of  inside me!

Position of LAGB

Position of LAGB
This is what it looks like in place

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